© 2024: Schlecht und Partner

The new property tax reform -
Declaration obligations

Anyone who owns a plot of land or house in Germany,
must act as a consequence of the property tax reform.

Property Tax Reform in Germany

– filing obligations

With the implementation of the property tax reform in Germany, around 36 million real estate properties nationwide have to be revalued. This means a considerable effort for private individuals and companies. Foreign residents owning real estate in Germany are also subject to the filing requirements.

We are happy to assist you in fulfilling your obligations.


Did you miss the deadline for submitting the property tax return on January 31, 2023?

No problem (yet) - it's not too late. However, it is essential to avoid fines or penalties and therefore make sure to draw up your declaration as soon as possible.

Our team will be happy to assist you with this process.

We support you in fulfilling your tax filling obligations

As early as 2018, the Federal Constitutional Court gave the legislature the task of re-regulating the valuation of real estate in connection with property tax. The background is the standard assessment, which is classified as unconstitutional and based on values from the 1960s (or in the new federal states from the 1930s). This can currently result in different taxation of properties that are actually of equal value.

With the reform of the property tax, the legislator wants to eliminate this inequality without changing the overall revenue generated by the property tax. For this purpose, the property value relevant for the property tax must be reassessed. From 2025, new property tax assessments are to be issued based on this.

In the spring of 2022, you will probably be asked by a general decree to submit a declaration to determine the property tax values electronically. If you own one or more plots of land, we will be happy to support you in preparing and submitting this declaration of determination in a timely and correct manner.

Different regulations apply to the valuation of undeveloped and developed land as well as special features for the respective type of use. In addition, different assessment procedures may apply depending on the federal state. The procedure to be used for the valuation of your property depends on the federal state in which the property is located.

We would be happy to prepare the necessary declarations for your property(s) and take care of the electronic transmission to the tax office for you, taking into account the deadlines.

So that we can advise you adequately, please let us know at an early stage if we should fulfill the obligation to provide information for you. Although the electronic submission of the declaration to determine the property tax values at the tax offices will not be possible until July 1, 2022, we would still like to ask you to reply by March 11, 2022 if you would like to make use of our support.

Advice in connection with real estate is one of the main focuses of our consulting activities.

We would also be happy to support you with the declaration obligations relating to the property tax reform. So that we can provide you with adequate support, please let us know at an early stage if you want us to carry out the declaration obligations for you. Although the electronic submission of the declaration to determine the property tax values at the tax offices will not be possible until July 1, 2022, we would still like to ask you to contact us promptly if you would like to make use of our support.

Please use the electronic contact form or send us the feedback letter (PDF) (by post; by email to grundsteuer@schlecht-partner.de; by fax to 0711 / 40 05 40 99).

For better planning, we ask you to let us know the number of your plots. For the sake of clarity, it should be noted that the obligation to declare applies to all properties, regardless of use. This includes condominiums, rented apartments and business premises, etc.

Once we have received this information, we will contact you to provide any additional information that is required.

You can find more information in our FAQ section or under Downloads & Links.

Determination declaration for determining the property tax value on January 1, 2022

The reason for the obligation to revaluate real estate in 2022 is based on the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court of 2018, which declared the previous taxation of land and houses in Germany to be unconstitutional.

As a consequence of this property tax reform in Germany, anyone who owns a property or house must take action in 2022. Millions of pieces of land and buildings will need to be re-evaluated so that calculations can be made on a new basis in 2025.

Based on the information in the property tax return, the tax office calculates the property tax value and issues a property tax value notice. In addition, the tax office uses a statutory tax rate to calculate the real estate tax assessment amount and issues a real estate tax assessment notice.

Property tax notice from the city or municipality in Germany

Both notifications are not requests for payment. They are the basis for determining property tax by the city or municipality in Germany. The tax office electronically provides the cities and municipalities with the data required for calculating the property tax.

The city or municipality then uses the transmitted data to determine the property tax to be paid.

The recalculated property tax is to be paid from 2025 on the basis of the property tax notice; existing regulations will continue to apply until then.

Your property tax notice is incorrect?

We would be happy to support you in appealing against your tax assessment(s).

We support you in fulfilling your tax filing obligations.

With the real estate tax reform, real estate owners are now faced with increased tax filing obligations.

We would be happy to support you in fulfilling your tax filing obligations correctly and on time. In an efficient process, we create the declaration of determination for your real estate objects.

We use state-of-the-art technical possibilities to keep the necessary effort as small as possible for you.

Feel free to contact us.

Experts in real estate

Our team consists of experienced consultants who have been actively advising our permanent mandates as well as individual projects in the real estate sector for decades. Whether in the context of real estate transactions, the transfer of real estate assets within the family or the acquisition of foreign real estate, we are your reliable and competent advisor.

We support you with your needs and concerns.

Our consulting approach is characterized by prompt and reactive support. Our experts are at your side personally and will help you to master the challenges.

In time-critical projects, our permanent contact persons will help you to give you the necessary recommendations for action in a timely manner by means of clear analyses.

Your added value? An efficient and successful consulting approach, tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

Make an inquiry now

We are happy to support you!

Number: 0

We hereby commission the tax law firm Schlecht und Partner to prepare the declaration(s) for the property owned by us for property tax purposes.


We are glad to be here for you

Schlecht und Partner - Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.
We are at your disposal under the contact details below.

Via E-Mail: grundsteuer@schlecht-partner.de

Schlecht und Partner
Friedhofstraße 45/47
70191 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)711 40 05 40 50

Schlecht und Partner
Barer Straße 7
80333 Munic, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)89 24 29 16 0